Walk-In Guidelines


  • DPU Hospital Health Check department is located at 1st floor of Hi-Tech building. We are open from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m
  • Health Checks are conducted on first come first serve basis.
  • Employees who are sponsored by their companies should carry the authority letter issued by the Company to DPU Hospital.
  • You should be fasting for 12-14 hours, if blood sugar (fasting) and/or cholesterol/lipid profile is mentioned in the Health Check Package.
  • Abstain from Alcohol at least 48 hours prior to the Health Check.
  • Urine and stool samples to be carried in clean sterilized containers or containers can be collected from the Hospital Health Check Reception counter.
  • The entire procedure would take anywhere between 3-6 hours depending on the tests included in the package.
  • People having Sonography in their package should carry a bottle of water with them
  • A diabetic person undertaking a health check should avoid taking insulin injections / anti diabetic tablets on the morning of the Health Check Up. Please carry the insulin / anti diabetic tablets to take it with Breakfast that will be provided at the Wellness Lounge.
  • Please consult a doctor for stopping beta blockers at least 48 hours if you have to undertake stress test.
  • Other regular medicines can be taken as instructed by your Doctor.
  • It is recommended that male patients undergoing stress test should come with chest shaved.
  • Please bring all your earlier medical records and medical accessories like glasses, hearing aid if any when you come for the Health Check.
  • Inform the Wellness Clinic Department in advance if you want any additional investigations to be done for you.
  • Reports will be collected from the Wellness department of DPU Hospital.
  • An evaluation with the doctor can be done as per an appointment.
  • If it’s not a company sponsored programme, bills will have to be paid by Cash or Debit or Credit card at the beginning of the health check. No cheque payment will be accepted.

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For appointment contact Number: 92260 07514